Proven talent discovery and hiring solutions for every team

We find great candidates quickly so that busy hiring teams can get back to everything else they do.

Loophire hiring job placement employer hr services
Employer Hiring HR Services by Loophire

Hiring talented professionals for your company shouldn’t be this hard.

But with endless job boards, unqualified candidates and employees looking to get offers they can use for leverage, it’s simply overwhelming to maintain a hiring funnel on top of the other tasks on your plate, amiright?

Finding good humans within reasonable hiring timelines shouldn’t be this complicated.

Modernized talent recruitmentthat leads to teams that thrive

Companies Turn to Us

We’ve recently helped more than 200 companies hit their hiring goals. Why do they trust us? Loads of reasons, but our money-back guarantee sure doesn’t hurt when you’re making a case to your boss.

We Deliver on our Promise

We have a 97 percent hiring success rate this calendar year. Our process-driven hiring solution is bolstered by cutting-edge technology, designed to elevate the quality of hires you make.

Quality Hires That Stick

You don’t have to break the bank or move at a snail’s pace to find a few good hires. Our placements have a 17-day average time-to-hire and a 96% retention rate one year later. That’s how Loophire can help you crush your hiring goals.
That’s why we’re trusted by the region’s strongest companies
And more!

63% of small business owners report that hiring the right talent is their number one challenge.*

* 2021 SCORE report

With Loophire, it doesn’t have to be. Let us show you.

Hiring help for the Chief *Everything* Officer.

We do the tedious stuff

Hiring is draining. Writing job descriptions, reviewing resumes and emailing nonresponsive talent? We take it all from you (and you let out a big sigh of relief).

Simply log in and choose

Easy to use is top of mind at Loophire. Hiring managers simply log in, view qualified candidates and choose who to interview.

You’ll hire the perfect candidate, we guarantee it!

We’re all about partnerships around here and we’re on a mission to help you find the perfect match in no time! With a 98% hiring success rate, we’re beyond confident we can deliver. To prove it, if we don’t meet the deadline, we’ll refund 100% of your investment. Simple as that.

Hiring and talent sourcing made easier with Loophire

Don’t just take our word for it.

Loophire has been an absolute breath of fresh air to work with. Their process is simple and they took the time to truly get to know our company and culture here at Brand Hydraulics. They efficiently provided qualified candidates to which we had no luck filling in the past 6 months and have quickly become one of the biggest assets at our company!

— Jamie Dall / Brand Hydraulics

Getting started with Loophire is easy

Schedule a call

In our Job Order Assessment, we’ll get to know your business, your industry and identify roles you need filled.

Access your career page

That’s right, we do all the setup for you. You won’t have to write another job description in your life.

Review candidates

Our streamlined matching platform identifies, qualifies and present relevant talent in as little as 12 hours.

Interview and hire talent

Select candidates to move forward with, set up interviews, then hire away! Job done.

Stop stressing, Judy.

Your easy-to-use platform is here.