Brand Hydraulics Fills Year-Long Vacancies With Help From Loophire

by | Jul 26, 2023

Finding skilled CNC machine operators was a constant struggle for Brand Hydraulics. The company built a reputation on quality machining and their vacancies were stretching staff thin.


Skilled CNC Machine Operators Are Elusive

Brand Hydraulics prides itself on manufacturing high-quality hydraulic valves and other custom machined parts. The company had several vacancies for CNC Machine Lathe and CNC Machine Mill operators. They also wanted to hire for a management role. 

After more than a year of posting jobs, partnering with staffing agencies and scouring the area for candidates, the HR team was hitting constant dead ends. They were spending time and resources on unqualified resumes and constant churn.

“We had a backlog of orders and couldn’t keep up without new staff. Our current CNC operators were working overtime and we were concerned about burnout.”

  1. Experienced CNC operators were difficult to find.
  2. Staffing agencies delivered unqualified resumes.
  3. Existing staff was overworked and facing burnout.


Brand Hydraulics Ditches Staffing Agencies for Good

Loophire noticed the constant job board ads from Brand Hydraulics and immediately recognized their struggle. The companies were mere blocks away but had never crossed paths previously. After meeting for a demo, HR Director Ellen Hanten was impressed but still skeptical. 

After a year of staffing agency and job board failures, she had good reason to be hesitant. 

Loophire had a unique pitch however, and the HR team was impressed by their genuine interest in the company culture and processes. They moved forward to test the service against traditional hiring models.

After partnering, HR Generalist Jamie Ball said, “They took everything on. It was amazing. I’d never experienced anything like that with a recruiting company.” 

Loophire activated the recruiting dashboard and delivered qualified candidates. They filtered resumes, pre-interviewed and found potential hires with relevant experience. It was a game-changer for the Brand Hydraulics team.

Filtered Resumes

Only qualified applicants were delivered to the HR team, saving them time and energy.

Candidate Dashboard

Every resume was easily accessible alongside notes and pertinent information.


Adding another layer to filtering, every candidate was pre-interviewed to qualify them for the role.


Every Opening Is Filled With Valued New-Hires

Loophire found candidates that were previously elusive and made it easy for Brand Hydraulics to interview each individual. Within weeks, every position was filled with experienced CNC Lathe and Mill operators.

Brand Hydraulics also hired for a managerial role and filled the position quickly. That employee made a decision to move to another company, triggering the 90/90 Guarantee. 

Ellen Hanten says, “The first manager didn’t work and Loophire replaced him at no cost. The guy we have now is just fantastic.”

Brand Hydraulics will continue using Loophire for every new position. They saved an incredible amount of time and expense for the company.

  • Every position filled within weeks
  • 90/90 Guarantee sources ideal manager
  • New hires fit company culture and workflow
  • Company saves time and expense with no bad-hires

“We have four great employees now and are SO HAPPY. They are intelligent, experienced and fit with our workflow and culture.”  – Ellen Hanten, HR Director

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